Chinese Medicine and diet

A fundamental part of promoting and maintaining health (i.e. yangsheng - literally ‘nourishing life’) within the Chinese medical approach is through eating the right foods in the right way. Particular patterns can effectively be addressed by eating particular foods plentifully.

There are some general principles that should always be followed:

  • the majority of your food should be cooked and warm/hot

  • eat slowly and mindfully

  • breakfast is an important meal

  • don’t eat late at night

These books are inexpensive and highly recommended resources. Taking advice from your practitioner regarding your Chinese medical diagnosis you can easily inform yourself as to the right foods to eat to strongly nourish your health.

‘Helping Ourselves: A guide to Traditional Chinese food energetics’ by Deverick Leggett

‘Recipes for Self-Healing’ by Deverick Leggett


Qigong links


Living with the seasons: Spring