What to expect: Acupuncture

The short version: you may want to bring long shorts or wear a skirt/dress so that acupuncture points on your lower legs can be accessed. Alternatively towels are used to protect modesty. It is important to have eaten prior to treatment. Don’t come for a morning appointment without having breakfast.

The long version: at the initial consultation you will be asked some detail about the issue(s) you would like to address. You will also be asked questions about all the systems of the body - some detail as to how things are, even if there are no ‘problems’ as such. Whilst this may well seem unrelated, in Chinese medical terms it can be extremely useful for diagnosis. This relates to Chinese medicine diagnosing according to how the whole internal landscape is working, looking for patterns and information related to qi mechanisms systemically (see Chinese medical acupuncture). N.B. all information given is of course on a strictly confidential basis according to the BAcC Code of Conduct (see https://acupuncture.org.uk/standards-codes/). In addition you may prefer not to answer certain questions, but any you can is helpful.

In each treatment session the pulse will be read and the tongue looked at. Don’t worry about what it looks like! It’s just information to aid better health from the point of view of the acupuncturist. These are very useful diagnostic tools in Chinese medicine.

Treatment: fine-gauge needles are used on a carefully selected point combination. There may be very slight sharp sensation for a second, then an ache for a few moments, then no sensation. You will just start to feel very relaxed. The needles are retained usually for 20-25mins. The treatment may be on the back, front or side.

The most commonly used acupoints are on the forearm and lower leg though there are also important points on the back and abdomen.

The acupuncture treatment may be combined with another technique as appropriate (see Adjunctive therapies).

At the end of the first treatment, a clear treatment plan will be given with a guide as to treatment objectives and achievable goals. Most commonly 6-8 sessions are advised and progress then reviewed. This will be discussed before any commitment is made.

Simple and useful lifestyle advice may also be given to support your health objectives.

Patient consent is always sought before any treatment, and comfort prioritised.

What to expect: Thai Yoga Massage

The short version: wear or bring loose comfortable clothing - gym, yoga or lounge clothes - anything you can move in. You should also bring warm layers as you will cool down during the treatment. Please only have a light or medium size meal immediately before your appointment, as you need to be able to move comfortably.

Some more information: the treatment is done with you lying on a specialist Thai bodywork futon mat (very comfortable). Following a short consultation, you lie down and let the weight of your body go completely. Stretches are passive and done with intelligent gradual progression, tailored as appropriate, so that the patient naturally relaxes into it. The treatment overall can either be quite strong and dynamic, or stiller and more restorative as appropriate for the individual.

Any particular issues (lower back pain, neck, shoulders, hips etc.) will be addressed specifically within the context of a full-body treatment.

You may feel immediately re-energised after the treatment. Or you may feel tired for the rest of that day and like a new person the following morning. Either way you will sleep very well, and should also drink plenty of water and eat good simple food.